Welcome to Lionwood, the crafting workshop where symbolic art comes to life through pure Light – using laser technology.

Here, we carve universal and eternal archetypes from matter into decorative mandalas, revealing cryptic memories and images that speak directly to the subconscious - our bridge to the Divine.

I am Horea, the founder of this project, and my passion for light, darkness, and hidden truths has led me to create it.

Why am I doing this?

I have journeyed through the shadows of the Ego and the illuminating light of the Self, gaining insight into the symbols that emerge from deep within us. To me, reality unfolds as a language of archetypes and synchronicities, waiting to be deciphered and understood.

In my work, I see myself as a mere conduit, stepping aside from the path of my Inner Self. I am intuitively guided by this divine spark, and, wherever it chooses to shine, I know it is necessary for me to follow it for the flourishing of my soul.

Now, it has chosen Lionwood to be my alchemical crucible. I hope it rekindles within you this same divine spark that may have been lost and extinguished in the materialism of modern Babylon.

This is my mission: articulating the truth that already smolders within you.


The same fire burns in both of us.

How do we do this?

At Lionwood, we utilize lasers - a purified and intensified form of Light - to craft layered mandalas, with the laser itself serving as a sharp extension of the divine spark. In this way, Light becomes a subtle sculptor, bridging the gap between the visible and the invisible, what is conscious and what awaits revelation in the subconscious.

The laser technology perfectly embodies the vision of Lionwood: focusing divine Light to unveil hidden symbols within matter and reflect them outwardly towards others.

Once the laser has meticulously sculpted each layer, we hand-apply our chromatic palette, allowing the layers to gain their own distinctive depth. Wood, alive and full of character, dances differently to the same notes of color - thus giving each mandala its own unique and personalized life.

The painted layers are then carefully joined by hand, ensuring that every detail receives the attention and respect it deserves - so that the whole outcome becomes a harmonious symphony that exists at the intersection of the known, visible world and the unarticulated, subconscious realm.

We hope that their melody is properly tuned to the same frequency with what you are seeking on your inner journey.

Geometry as a navigational tool

Our mandalas are not just decorative objects; they are maps of the soul - navigation models for the depths of your consciousness.

The symbols and elements in the mandalas are inspired by sacred geometry, acting as a vehicle meant to awaken aspects of the subconscious and lead it towards forgotten worlds, beyond the everyday perception of the Ego.

This sacred geometry is a universal language, a profound mathematical code that resonates with the human soul. It connects us to the divine in a direct, intuitive, and imagistic way, representing the inner architecture of the Infinite, regardless of the name or cultural garb it wears:

God, Tao, Brahman, Allah, Ein Sof, Source, Creator, Logos, Universe, Mother Nature, Gaia, the Great Architect, the Great Mystery, the Great Spirit, Anima Mundi, Consciousness, Noosphere, Pneuma, Mana, Prana, Vril, Orgon, Chi, the Oversoul, Morphogenetic Field, Akashic Field, Unified Field, Bardo Thodol, the Otherworld, Ahura Mazda, the Celestial Spheres, Indra's Net, the White Light, the Divine Spark, the Ether, the Prima Materia, the Divine Matrix, the Simulation, the Cosmic Hologram, the Pleroma, Gnosis, the Void, Providence, the Platonic One, Unity, the Psychedelic Hyperspace, the Unmoved Mover, Tat Tvam Asi, Nirvana, Moksha, Non-duality, Sat Chit Ananda, Reality, Existence, the Absolute, or, as we prefer, the Inner Self.

This transcendental object is, in its essence, holographic and fractal.

A hologram works by encoding the entire image within each fragment, meaning that any part of the hologram contains all the information about the whole.

Similarly, the fractal aspect shows us that each segment of the structure reflects the general form, repeating its patterns infinitely at different levels. These characteristics emphasize the profound interconnectedness of reality, where even the smallest detail encompasses the whole.

Each of us is a holographic and fractal branch of Infinity, living It through our unique expressions.

Sacred geometry provides us with these holo-fractal forms through which the Infinite manifests - from the Flower of Life and the Fibonacci Sequence to the Golden Ratio, Platonic Solids, and Pi.

All these infinite constants underpin the illusion of this seemingly finite materiality. They encapsulate an architectural part of the Infinite, and their mere presence resonates with the Infinite within us - this is why the very definition of aesthetics is composed of symmetries, ratios, and proportions. Think of a fern's spiral, a snowflake's hexagon, or a rose in bloom.

Beauty is geometric.

Our mandalas embody sacred geometry, serving as a navigational map through the intricate architecture of the Inner Self. In doing so, they transform into a medium of communication with It, facilitating a sacred space where the Infinite within you resonates with the cosmic Infinite - ultimately becoming One.

The marketplace of cultural ideas and memes

Moreover, our mandalas are not just maps; they are messages that resonate within the collective consciousness. We see them as embodiments of cultural memes - essential ideas that spread and propagate within the social discourse, akin to genes in biology.

These symbols hold the power to change perceptions, to polarize consciousness, and to influence the behaviors and actions that shape our reality; guiding us either towards the Light or, like the hidden influence of subliminal advertisements, towards the Shadow.

Thus, in the public market of social memes that glorify the Ego, materialism, greed, violence, and separation, we present on our stall memes of the Self, infinity, symmetry, interconnectedness, eternity, aesthetics, and mysticism.

What is this Inner Self?

By far, the most significant meme I wish to share is that of the Inner Self.

This concept encapsulates the authentic and profound essence of each individual, transcending not only the surface-level cultural identity shaped by our social roles and their associated emotions and thoughts, but also the entirety of our biological identity - defined by the needs of our animal avatar in navigating the material world.

The Inner Self is pure consciousness, the source of our love, wisdom, and intuition - our connection to the divine reality that exists beyond the illusion of matter.

Unlike the capricious nature of the Ego, shaped by and directed at external experiences and fleeting perceptions related to survival, the Inner Self remains constant, embodying our true essence -eternal, infinite, interconnected, and filled with peace and love.


Through Lionwood, art becomes a tool for navigating and reprogramming the subconscious, a pathway to reconnect with the Inner Self, and a vehicle for transcending the limitations imposed by a materialistic worldview.